Modify the FacultyProcess.jsp Page to Handle Faculty Data Collection and Insertion 3 – Develop Java Web Applications to Access Databases

1) In the NetBeans IDE with our project opened, open the Services window.2) Right-click on the Databases folder and select the New Connection item.3) In the opened New Connection Wizard, click the dropdown arrow in the Driver combo box, and select the Oracle Thin item, since we installed this kind…

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Modify the FacultyProcess.jsp Page to Handle Faculty Data Collection and Insertion – Develop Java Web Applications to Access Databases  Modify the FacultyProcess.jsp Page to Handle Faculty Data Collection and Insertion Double-click on the FacultyProcess.jsp page in the Projects window in our new project, and perform the following modifications and additions to this page to use the Java bean class file FIGURE 8.82   The finished Insert Use Bean dialog…

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